Gameops – October 2022 Party in the Back Podcast

Party in the Back Podcast graphic featuring Jonny Greco from Shine Entertainment

The October Party in the Back rages with guest Rob Wicall and Jonny Greco.  We take a look at the new article by Rob Wicall on Accountability and discuss the importance of being account for your own success and shortcomings in live events (and life). Including how to set the the cultural tone with your staff so everyone take responsibility for their stake in the show.

Jonny shares a powerful example of in-the-moment feedback that both noted a failure, inspired accountability and empowered a desire to improve.  Plus Jonny offers a tweak to calling it Accountability and rebrand it “Producing your Position” along with the positive twist from PROS and CONS to PROS and GROWS (we don’t call him Captain Sunshine for nothing).

Be sure to read Rob’s article on Accountability as a supplement to this podcast.

To listen to the full podcast click here

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